More Than Downloads:

How Interactive And Video Content Are Enhancing B2B Marketing

Brian Anderson, News Editor • Published August 24, 2016

Demand Gen Report

Unlike traditional content formats that primarily offer downloads and click-throughs, progressive marketers such as FedEx and Militello Capital prove that video and interactive content provide deeper engagement with potential customers that are interacting with their brands.

According to a recent study from the Content Marketing Institute, more than half (53%) of content marketers are leveraging interactive content in their initiatives. A majority of those marketers are seeing success with that content as well: Two-thirds (66%) of respondents agree that their audience engagement has increased since their companies started using interactive content tactics.

Insight gained from buyer engagement with interactive content is not only beneficial to the content t eam, but also to a variety of other departments within a B2B organization.

Want to learn how engagement metrics from video and interactive content can help your business? Fill out the form today!