Bundled Content

Brands that packaged various content formats together to create easy-to-navigate educational experiences.

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The Goals

Uberflip created four E-books that addressed four key pillars: B2B content creation, content experience, content distribution and content insights. The primary goal was to educate prospects and help them understand the importance of these four areas and why they drive content marketing success.

The Assets

The content team at Uberflip created The 4 Pillars of Content Marketing, which ultimately consisted of four different E-books: The Ultimate Guide to Content Creation, The Ultimate Guide to Content Experience, The Ultimate Guide to Content Distribution, and The Ultimate Guide to Content Insights. Each E-book, authored by Uberflip Founder and CEO Yoav Schwartz, featured guidelines for content marketing success and quotes by leading marketing industry experts.

The Results

The campaign has generated more than 2,000 leads since launch.

Lessons Learned

Bundling together iterative content with consistent design and messaging creates a comprehensive educational experience that also allows audiences to narrow their focus on specific topics.


The Goals

Grant Thornton designed a multifaceted “Political Pulse” campaign, incorporating content marketing, economic modeling and research, and strategic collaborations with political analysts and economic luminaries. The campaign also featured Grant Thornton’s own public policy and tax subject-matter specialists in order to help its clients navigate the evolving political landscape, as a result of the U.S. Presidential election.

The Assets

Grant Thornton gathered content and interactive tools presented on specific landing pages on its website, as well as through webcasts, to provide its clients with real insights leading up to, during and after the election.

The Results

Campaign metric highlights include:

Emails reached 75,000+ contacts over a two-month campaign, with open rates of 12.5%, and an average email click-through rate of 0.74%;
Piloted opt-in/subscriptions featured through its October webcast led to a 71% subscription rate. A total of 410 of 573 webcast registrants signed up to receive Grant Thornton communications; and
The most popular web page with the company’s Political Pulse section accounted for 32% of all unique page views, but the most engaging page beat the site average by 392.18%.

Lessons Learned

Providing topical information and news analysis that aligns with prospects’ interests can help your company advise them on a course of action and strengthen buyer relationships.


The Goals

Deloitte decided to package content derived from its Deloitte University Press for readers with an interest in behavioral economics and management using a monthly email newsletter and a dedicated site.

The Assets

The monthly email newsletter bundles topical Deloitte University Press content to provide customers with insights, analysis and perspectives on behavioral economics and management.

The Results

Its latest newsletter garnered a 44.3% unique open rate, and an 8.73% unique click-through rate. It went out to nearly 9,000 subscribers. The results are well above industry standards of 20% open rates and 2% to 4% unique click-through rates, which Deloitte describes as “killer.”

Lessons Learned

Using existing content and repurposing it for targeted campaigns to loyal customers can be effective, as well as cost efficient.

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